30 June 2012

Inflexible Cutoffs Don't Impress Me Much

If our baby is born in the next 7.5 hours, he'll start school in 2017. If not, he'll start school in 2018. How weird is that? I've decided to let God decide which outcome is best. In practical terms, this means the Castor Oil can stay in the cupboard. However I did put clean sheets on the bed, which is tantamount to a DIY Induction: Murphy's Law Style. (Not that my waters have ever broken at home by surprise in the middle of the night. There's a first time for everything though.)


  1. Clean sheets won't do it. Getting the carpets cleaned, on the other hand, is sure to bring on sudden and gushing water-breakage.

  2. Oh gosh. You're probably right.

  3. I thought you were going to write about shorts made from cut off jeans! Haha! Good luck and here's to hoping your baby is born soon!

  4. God definitely knew it would be good for Ben to wait a year. It was such a good thing he came beyond 41 weeks! Looking forward to baby tales! :-)

  5. What you've gotta do is let your bikini line go to heck.

    Already there? Well, good, you're ready for a natural birth.

    If you're all shaved/waxed/professionally landscaped, you're heading for a caesar.

    In my experience.

  6. 16 July, still pregnant, the heaviest weight my thin frame has ever had to contend with, every joint in my pelvis is screaming for relief, shooting pains in groin and legs, am on paracetamol all day every day, ... and this post is giving me the grumps.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!