27 March 2012

Lost Gems

I have a very old computer which has too many disorganised files collected all over the place in no particular order.  The benefit of this is that when I go through the "Pictures" folder, I find things I laughed at years ago, but had forgotten all about.  Check this:


  1. Oh gosh, that sounds like me!

  2. You are absolutely right you know, I think we would get on like a house on fire. We have the same sense of humor. For example, I am still giggling at your comic a full five minutes after first seeing it. And I am CERTAIN that you would laugh at my lame dad-jokes. I will have to wrangle a posting to your area so we can do coffee and go to op shops together.


  3. It would be great for me, not so good for Mr A. But not impossible!

    I can just imagine writing our reasons on the posting request form - "co-location with random lady from the internet" HA! That'll go down well with the security clearance guys ;)

  4. Delightfully silly. :-)

    Reminds me of a joke. Elderly woman is in to visit the doctor. The doctor places her stethoscope on the patient's back and murmurs "Big breaths" and the elderly woman says, "Oh, not so much anymore, but they were when I was younger!"


  5. That made me laugh out loud too! thanks for brightening up my morning :D

  6. You're being Leibstered from my blog tomorrow.... Come over in the morning and check it out :)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!