13 March 2012

I achieved something! And now I can barely walk.

Today I did something - something beyond the usual stuff that doesn't get noticed!  I made a homework corner for Buzz and Jessie so we can keep their books spread out and keep tabs on their pencils and stuff.  In the process of this I swept, vacuumed, tidied toys, cleaned tables and a whole lot of other things.  Now, it seems I will soon be announcing the divorce or at least temporary separation of my sacrum and my ilium.  I can barely walk.  It's great.


  1. Oh no! The were such a lovely couple! I didn't see that coming at all :(

    In other news, less inspired tidying, more gestating on the couch, please. You'll have me worried about you.

    Hope you feel better soon.... Xox

  2. This poor couple has been having a rough time since halfway through my first pregnancy ... occasional trial separations are inevitable given their irreconcilable differences.

    In my second pregnancy I did hydrotherapy with girls on crutches ... if that's in my future, you bet there will be gestating on the couch!!

    In the meantime, staying busy merely makes it sore, it's when I stop and sit or lie down that the joint goes completely wrong and I find I can't get up! Jolly thing.

  3. Oh mine does the the same thing in pregnancy! I feel for you... but good on you for achieving something, just make sure you take it easy too ;)

  4. Would Glucosamine help at all? So sorry you deal with this ... you are way too young.

  5. Too young to be pregnant? Thanks for the compliment! But sadly low tone and hormones are more than happy to relax things waaay too much ;-) Long time no see my friend, thanks for popping over to comment!

  6. Gah, that's awful. At least you get to chant Never Again, Never Again! Youngest children are awesome like that.

  7. Yeah, it's hard when they've fought so hard to stay together despite their irreconcilable differences and now it's JUST. NOT. WORKING.

    The homework corner does sound spectacular, though. At terrible cost.

  8. See what happens when you go all productive? It totally backfires...

    I recommend ice, a lie down on the couch with pillows under your knees, and a good trashy romance, and the decision to ignore any chaos that is sure to ensue around you...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!