18 March 2012

Blog your memories, keep on laughing!

I have been reading back through posts on my sister's blog recently.  Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I go to her "Too Much Information" tab on the left, and I am guaranteed a huge laugh after which I always feel better.

I was reading old posts the other night when I came across one that reminded me of one of the funniest nights of my life.

She was staying with me once and we were talking, talking, talking.  We must have been standing in the kitchen or somewhere like that, because she was in dire need of somewhere to sit.  After a while she announced her need to relieve herself, and find a place to sit.

Only she said, "I'm going to the toilet and I'll bring back a stool."

After reading that again, I laughed so hard that my tummy muscles were too sore to go for a swim the next morning.  But I think I'd got my workout anyway.


  1. Hahaha! That is hilarious!

  2. The accidental juxtaposition of thoughts. Beautiful!

  3. Yikes, tell your abs I'm sorry! It was a simple mistake.

  4. You guys are HILARIOUS!!!

    A stool..... Oh my.... now MY abs are hurting...

    I miss you lovely lady!

  5. Sisters are the BEST! I just spent time with my sisters this weekend as my niece was getting married...And it is official: Sisters are the best thing EVER.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!