15 October 2011

Keep Out, and other writings

I love it when kids' written language skills get good enough that they take themselves off and write their thoughts.  Buzz started doing that earlier this year.  His first piece of writing made us so proud.  Our son, taking himself off and writing a commentary on life!  It was truly wonderful.  It read:

"I dont Lic you nAAw mum that you yeld at me and That you smacd me DAD"

Needless to say, we were both tremendously proud.  Since then, Buzz has filled the world with his writings, even going so far as you write a stern Instruction To Self regarding the self-administration of an asthma puffer during his recent struggle with an asthma-related cough.

"nat tace 2 pufs at forst bac and secnd do or no plae"  (Take 2 puffs at first break and second.  Do, or no play.)

And the most recent had me in stitches.  I walked past his door the other night and saw this stern warning to all:

"Keep out.  Privacy.  No enter.  Snakes."

That's enough to keep me out.


  1. We have the same!

    "Dad can not ever come in my room except if Quantum Leap or Airwolf is on or an emergency."

    He's all about the details...

  2. My oldest is the only one who journaled. Her thoughts were usually angry and included "the worst day of my life" as part of the entry. She had lots of those.


    Did I just admit to reading my then first graders diary?

  3. I love that he thought to add the deterrent of snakes and that he made a valiant stab at 'privacy'. I think you need to start preparing yourselves for his tell all book though.

  4. Now I thought "SNACS" was "snacks" so perhaps this was written in the hope that you wouldn't pop your head in and discover some covert midnight snacking!

    We had a lovely game going last weekend with my kids: Miss A decided to write me notes on post-its and leave them around the house. So Mr S and I got in on the action and we all left messages for each other in unexpected places.

    Miss A was deep: "be butiful on inside not out". Found on my jar of face cream.

    Mr S was funny: "bewere of the dinosor in the cuped" (cupboard) found inside the pantry door!

  5. Wow, starting to write, that's SO exciting! Even if it is a vicious diatribe...

    My biggest did her first recognizable painting today. It was a horse, it had legs and a head and everything. I almost burst with pride, god knows what I'll be like when she can actually write!

    Btw the is the Accidental Housewife, but I have a new blog name for my new blog. I'm still reading everything you write! I loved the poetry :)

  6. Oh, these are priceless, and bring back hilarious memories. There are plenty more to come I'm sure!

  7. Funny! Toward the end of the last grueling day while we were in the candidating weekend with our church, Mo - who had just turned six - sat with us in the back row during the last meeting before the vote and wrote, "my mom is men. my dad is men." I really hoped that no one had looked over her shoulder and found out that we were mean. We kept the note and displayed it at her graduation party, which we held at our church. I guess the note came full circle.

    I hope she doesn't still think we both are men.

  8. I thought he was writing about snacks too!

  9. I thought so, til I asked him, though I had also wondered if it could be snakes. I needed to check was privse was too.

  10. Snakes. That WOULD keep anyone out. Clever lad.

  11. Love the door sign. I'd definitely keep out of there if snakes are waiting to attack!

    Kid writing is the best.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!