07 September 2011

joke.doc - File Not Found

Tonight my sister and I were on the Google Talk, discussing how Dad was so awesome to think about putting fertiliser on our roses for us.  Unnecessary for her, because she had already done it; necessary for me, because I'd spent weeks being sick and hadn't got around to it.

I knew that Mum and Dad had visited Crazy Sister yesterday, but when I saw her say that Dad had made the trek out to visit her, I couldn't resist the obvious retort.

Sadly, this joke appeared to "go through to the wicket keeper" and I was left with no recourse but to post it on my blog.


  1. I blasted out HA! very loudly when you typed that. But i was in the middle of painstakingly typing out something else on my touchy little phone screen and couldn't respond.

    Wicket keeper, my assets.

    Ok, that was auto correct, but I'm going to leave it cause i like it better!

  2. I like that. I think I'm going to use "MY assets!" in the future.

  3. I googled "go through to the wicket keeper, and I guess I must have some knowledge of cricket to get that one...

  4. Your poor dad--ousted on the internet! :)

  5. Ah ... certainly not outed ... except maybe for having two daughters who Google-Talk rubbish.

  6. Hey, I was talking about roses. Talking rubbish, my assets.

  7. Oh you two crack me up! I hope you're feeling better. I had a virus in the spring that hung on forever. Thanks for the baseball explanation, by the way! :-)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!