04 September 2011

Google Talk message from my Dad

Dad sent a message via Google Talk to me last week.
"I used all of that awful-smelling rose fertiliser today and treated all of your roses to the east of the driveway, and it ran out after I'd done only the top rose on the western side, the one closest to the prickly bush that looks attractive with lovely sprawling branches that resemble waves washing down a lovely little mountain stream at the onset of spring before the flooding rains come which turn a humble little stream into a savage torrent that carries all before it and digs up the banks and pulls large trees away from the spots where they grew up starting from tiny seeds a long time ago when petrol was only 44c per gallon which is just under 10c per litre. That bush - picture the right one?"
I love my Dad! Happy Fathers Day!


  1. So...Guess your dad could never be described as verbose? Love it!

  2. Wow! Too funny!

    I guess he is not the lolly banana, Top Gear DVD, choc coated nuts kinda dad like mine?

  3. Thanks for sharing, because it has made my day.

  4. Well if there had been any doubt, I guess we know where you acquired your love of a great description!

  5. Oh my, that is so fantastic!

    Retirement does crazy things to people...

    But I know exactly the bush he means!

  6. What a wonderful man! Although, using pop psychology, I would diagnose flood PTSD...,


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!