21 September 2011

Always room for another phobia

We're at the beach this week, staying in cabins.

I've slept on many a bottom bunk in my life, but never before have I been scared that the top bunk would somehow fail in the middle of the night and crash down onto my sleeping body below.

Funny how things change.


  1. Have a good holiday. This explains why I haven't caught you to chat, of course. Now we're going away, so I'll see you when we are both in our respective houses.

  2. I still prefer your "a snake will fall off the top of the roller door into my arms when i open it" phobia!

  3. Worse yet: I will make the top bunk crash down on the body below me, and that will just be too humiliating.

    And perhaps painful for the fellow below me!

  4. It WOULD totally ruin any attempt at a heartfelt obituary to have to recount the cause of your death. Maybe we'd just go for: "Popular blogger, Givinya de Elba died last week doing what she loved best (sleeping). Her last words were, 'This'll make an awesome post.'"

  5. That is so true. Every bit of it!

    (Except for the word 'popular', but leave it in anyway.)

  6. I'd never considered that possibility. If I ever have to sleep in a bunk bed this will come flooding back to haunt me...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!