11 August 2011

The Rainbow Fower (sic) and The Bad Debt

This morning over breakfast, Buzz announced to Jessie with gleeful excitement, "Hey Jessie, I'm gonna get chased today!"  That was weird, so I decided to eavesdrop.

"I didn't want to make you pay a dollar out of your Pig Box to the girls so I didn't.  And now they're gonna chase me today!"  It sounded ominous, but he was grinning from ear to ear.

Yeah, we call the Piggy Banks "Pig Boxes."  It started way back here.

At this point I had to backpedal in my mind to a few days ago.  Buzz had brought this lovely picture home from school.  It's a picture of a "Rainbow Fower" (sic.)

I was amazed at his penmanship, his spelling, his drawing and his colouring.  Could this be my six year old boy, who, above all other things, is a SIX YEAR OLD BOY?  Drawing and colouring are not his forte.

I asked him who drew and coloured this spectacular Rainbow Fower.  "Lulu's sister," came the immediate reply.  I then dropped the subject, secure in the assumption that Lulu's sister had drawn this magnificent Rainbow Fower and donated it to this poor Rainbow-Fowerless boy in her sister's class.

Except I do have one vague recollection of a conversation I paid a small amount of attention to after this - something about if Jessie wanted to keep something, she was going to need to pay someone $1 from her Pig Box.  And there was much kerfuffling around, presumably to access the Pig Box and to procure $1 from it.

I didn't pay any further attention to this, because I was somehow sure that Pig Box access wouldn't be possible, and until I was asked to assist, I didn't need to worry about this problem.

NOW I see what was going on!  Lulu's sister drew a "Rainbow Fower" at school, sold it to Buzz on approval for the exclusive enjoyment of his younger sister Jessie, Buzz promised $1 in payment for goods provided but failed to come up with the money and agreed to suffer the consequences - being chased by Lulu's sister at school today.

I just find that really funny.


  1. That is very cute. He doesn't seem too worried about being chased, though!

  2. Awwww thats super cute!!! Ahhh buzz you're gonna be a heart breaker LOL LOL

  3. That is such a funny story. So complex to navigate and negotiate are their small, important worlds. I love it that the punishment for failure to pay is to be chased. I think debt collectors still do that, don't they?

  4. It's sure sweet of him to be willing to be chased. Perhaps Lulu's sister is cute?

  5. At least the debt collectors are not threatening to break his kneecaps unless Jessie pays up!

  6. Some guys would pay the dollar to get chased by the girls...

  7. I love the way you've pieced together the whole story! The things we almost miss when we're CKMT...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!