18 August 2011

My Kitchen


  1. That was great. It's almost like reading the weekend comics in the newspaper...except it's real children and it's the internet and...OK, so it's not really like that at all. But it was still very funny. :)

  2. Very funny! The chef hat with piggy tails... the master chef attitude... the menu!


  3. Oh how much fun!!!!!!! Thats so cute!!

  4. Now there is a eatery that I would love to go to just to watch the drama play out. ;)

  5. LOVE it! Especially the rabbit soup. If it turns out to be a hit and she runs out of rabbit, I could supply her. ;-)

  6. Too cute. They are growing up so fast. you can't persuade her to start training for Junior Master Chef and then you'll never need to cook another day in your life?

    Oh, that's right, you like cooking. You wouldn't hire her out?

  7. Loved this!

    BTW, is that couch new? "New" being "not there when I visited you more than a year ago"? I seem to remember the toy kitchen being in that spot and no couch there. But I could well be completely insane and perhaps it's been there the whole time.

  8. SO funny Kate. Wish I could secure a table in that restaurant too. But it looks to be a 3 hat restaurant - maybe a little out of my current (and let's be honest - future) price range?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!