24 July 2011

Mad Hatters Tea Party

Back in May, my sister and I went with our daughters to my church's women's ministry Mad Hatters Tea Party.  It was a fun afternoon of tea, treats, mad hats, decorated tables and craft!

We decorated our table with a vase of fabric gerberas and rubber chickens:
The chickens were later be-hatted using the craft materials supplied. 

We wore outrageous headpieces ourselves.  My Crazy Sister had the best hat on the day (as informally judged by me) which featured her own hair issuing from the crown of her fabric-covered cowboy hat in a fountain of manic sparkly twists.  And this is why I love her.  Peanut looked splendid, as always, wearing both a pink tissue-paper headpiece and a Pleasant Attitude.

This second item was not worn on the day by Jessie, who would not be photographed in her gerbera-covered hat.  I was only able to photograph the gerbera-covered hat without its wearer.
I graciously put on about 20kg just for this isolated photo, in order to make everyone else in the room feel better about their own appearance:

Some of the other ladies and their decorated tables looked like they were going for a day at the races. La-dee-DAH. I am sure the word MAD was on the invitation.

As the speaker got up to speak, Mr de Elba delivered the boys to me as he was coming to church for a music practice. I thought that three children near accessible tables laden with teatime treats might be a little bit much to handle, especially since the speaker was expecting to speak, but I was saved the humiliation of trying to manage this impossible situation because Woody threw up violently all over himself and the car just as they arrived.  He came inside feeling much better and was gleefully given handfuls of chocolate slices and little cakes by his thoughtless siblings upon his arrival.

I disallowed this mass-consumption of sugar and immediately went home, washed Woody, washed his clothing and then attacked the horror in the car.  The End.


  1. He he. That sounds fun (aside from the vomit, obviously). Nice trick with the 20kg! (You look lovely as always to me, BTW.)

  2. I am totally stealing this idea for next year's Ladies Ministry tea!!!


  3. I just forwarded this link to all of my ladies ministry group!

  4. LOVE the hats! Sorry about Woody. One day you will be able to leave non-participating children at home to fend for themselves. You may even be able to carry on an entire, uninterrupted conversation! It will be fantastic! But tiny girls are especially adorable in hats or in hat refusal.

  5. Ah, darn, just when it was getting to the good part of the tea party, too! Those darn boys and their vomit! Cute hats!

  6. Lovely pictures...sorry the story ended in vomit.

  7. and with such a promising start to the day it all ended in spew. Great.

  8. Love the way you wrote this! Felt SO guilty for not following you home to help with the vomit mess. Cars are the worst!

    The chicken centrepiece was the best.

  9. What a MAD tea party indeed! Your hats were terrific!

    The chicken centrepiece was BRILLIANT!

  10. Your 20kg gain comment made me laugh so much! How gracious of you - I'm sure it was just the camera angle though!

  11. Or, as Chandler said on 'Friends' when Phoebe(?) said that the camera puts on 5lb, "How many cameras were you ON?"

  12. Crap. What a bumma of a way to end a fun day with lovely {albeit} crazy sister. Sigh.

  13. No, not crap, v-o-m-i-t. But much of the other was provided too, as part of normal routine.

    Ha ha harrrrr...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!