03 May 2011

Note to self

If you've been using a grungy Rock Organ sound on your keyboard for the first two songs in the set in the worship band on Sunday morning ...

... and if your next song requires a soft piano sound for the big piano introduction ...

... make sure you hit the button and change the sound from Rock Organ to Piano before that third song.

If you don't, you're just setting yourself up for humiliation.


  1. Oh. How easy that would be to do.

    ...And how obvious...


  2. It wasn't on Easter, though, right? So that's something. ;-)

  3. Haha! We've been having trouble with a sticking pedal on our keyboard and the notes resonate on forever! Thankfully I just play clarinet with no sound adjustments--only a few (ear-piercing) squeaks!

  4. I bet *that* got the congregation's attention! :-D

  5. Better than hitting the Demo Song button by mistake. That used to happen to me a lot - some keyboard layouts just set you up for failure and embarassment.

    Oh, the Transpose setting can also mess with you! At least once I've made my choir sing a subsequent song in a totally new key to what they're accustomed.

  6. At least it wasn't a wedding...or a funeral!

    This made me think of the episode of the Simpsons where Bart swaps the hymn in the church program for an Iron Maiden song - very funny.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!