04 April 2011

Wiping the benches and running the world

Believing (as I do) that I run the world, I started wondering one day what sort of t-shirt logo could encapsulate the massive achievements I carve into each day.  I thought about my work as a speech pathologist, my work in kid's ministry and my work managing a family of five. Then I looked at what my day held for me, and I knew that my logo had to be ...

ckmt today.  
Because I not only run the world, I also wipe the benches after I've done it.


  1. Personally I'm hoping my future logo is ipmc - I pay minions (to) clean.

  2. I want one of those shirts! I'd like you to make me one, please.

  3. Sure! No problem! In all of the spare time that hangs so heavily on my hands.

    Seriously, I'd love to make you one. but when?

  4. You can make me one right after you've cleaned the kitchen, of course.

  5. Ah, the comments were almost better than the post! I'm with Emily Sue, but for her sake I hope it happens for her sooner that it will happen for me!!

  6. I love it! And of course you run the world!

  7. I love it! The truth is always the funniest material!

  8. Thanks for the good wishes, Tracy P, but as I work part time, and for a church (you know... one of those jobs that pays really well...) I don't think I'll be hiring a horde of minions anytime soon.

  9. I have some minions I could send down to you!

    Pity they don't do much cleaning up here for me. Still, we can hope.

  10. I would definitely order one of those t-shirts, in every colour. V-neck please. Mwah, B.

  11. I love that and want a shirt!!!

  12. It is important work that we do...even the benches. ;)

    You clearly need your own Zazzle.com store, Givinya. With the money you make you could be hiring minions in no time.

  13. I thought this was soo funny and cool that I showed my husband. His comment was that I should clean the benches more....

    Next I would like to hear your theme song..


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!