15 April 2011

Division of Labour

Buzz: Mum, can you get shoes?

Mum: I've already got shoes on.

Buzz: No, I meant you can get my shoes?

Mum: What?!? Nope, you can get your own shoes, buddy! And your own socks!

Buzz: *Sigh* Alright. I'll get my shoes and socks. (Gets both.)  Now I'll do this bit ... (unwraps the pair of socks and throws both at me) ... and you can put them on me.


  1. You really would think they would catch on, right? It's a fine line between parenting and mothering. I'll let you know what age they catch on, if and when it ever happens!

  2. Frankly, if there were the slightest chance that someone might put my shoes and socks on for me, I'd probably give that a try too... ;)

  3. My 10 year old and I reached a stalemate on this a few years ago. Since then she's worn Crocs with no socks year round. She refuses to even discuss the possibility of learning to tie a shoelace.

    She's feeling the cold more this year. Maybe this winter, victory will at last be mine! Muahahahahaha!!! Yeah, you're right, probably not...

  4. Did you throw them back at him?

  5. I fell about laughing! I wiped my eyes, called him a lazy twerp and we did the shoes & socks together :)

  6. What a cheeky bugger :)
    Can't blame a kid for trying though!

  7. Good grief! The next generation of Men are here...

  8. My 9 year old would then look at me and say, "Yes, I'm lazy. And tired? Puh-LEEEEAAAZE?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!