03 February 2011

So far I have blogged ...

... every single day this month! This is a record! And it's all thanks to youtube.

That's cheating, isn't it?

Yasi has done its worst.  So far there are no reports of loss of life or serious injuries, but the damage is extensive.  As always, updates can be found on ABC News and The Courier Mail.

Yes, things are quite extreme in Australia right now!  It is normal for us to experience bushfires, floods and tropical cyclones at this time of year, but the weather patterns this year have been quite extreme.  I only know one family living in Far North Queensland, so as I traipse through my pleasant sunny days in the south-east corner, I think of them and wait for an email to say they are okay.  I don't expect to hear from them for a while though - communications are quite extensively damaged up north.


  1. As a self-declared expert on sporadic blogging, I say that's totally not cheating. Revel in your blogging mastery!

    And I hate to say it in the face of all that damage and devastation, but Yasi really could have been so much worse, couldn't it?

  2. Oh goodness yes, I was hoping that everyone would be safe and so far we haven't heard of any injuries or deaths.

  3. Wow, that seems like a miraculous outcome.

    Every day this month! Way to go! ;-) Will come back and watch after kids get on the bus.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!