11 February 2011

The Lesser Known Mubarak

Egypt has been in the news, specifically Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.  We've heard a lot about Hosni Mubarak in recent days, the name of Hosni Mubarak has been on everyone's lips and Hosni Mubarak has been on every news site.

I have heard the name Hosni Mubarak many times.

So why is the name Lenny Mubarak going around and around in my head like an annoying song?

Lenny?  Mubarak?  Seriously?

Does this man look like a Lenny to you?

Umm, actually yes, I think he does a little bit.

"Eh Lenny, you whack that guy?"

"What do you mean, whack that guy?  We just had a little conversation, we didn't agree, the conversation is over."


  1. Oh my. I agree. He will be forever known as Lenny in my brain forever more...

  2. Oh my, you're absolutely right. Now he sounds exactly like the sharks in Shark Tale.

  3. And good on you, Lenny, for giving us the opportunity to be inspired by people power today.

  4. Hehehe - you crack me up! He does look like the violin case carrying type. Mmmmm, Lenny does suit him just fine too....


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!