24 January 2011

24 January 2011

Oh how we have looked forward to this day!  Little Woody and I are hanging out together today and the big kids "do their thing" at kindy (pre-prep) and Year 1.


  1. Ha - love Woody's shirt! It's all about context. :)

    Also... when did Jessie get so grown up looking???

  2. Ah, back to school is the most beautiful thing! Blessings on their year and yours!!

  3. WOW that was a quick summer break for you and the little ones! I agree that Woody's shirt is too cute.

  4. Wow, they're all so OLD! Woody especially. I hope they all had a good day!

  5. They are so cute! And Buzz, who I've always thought takes after your family has a strong resemblance to Mr de Elba in the bottom right hand corner.

  6. In my pictures, my kids are dressed identically, because HEY HEY! They're BOTH at school now!

  7. Wowsers!! Your critters have grown up so much!!! I hope they enjoyed their first days!

  8. Gorgeous pics! Enjoy your one-on-one with #3!

  9. happy days :) two down, one to go - how spec are those days now you can have one on one time with your babe - best le xox

  10. Woody and my husband have something in common. Attending the same primary school.

    Hope your kids had a great first week.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!