13 December 2010

What's in the garden

The raspberry (in the foreground) - it will live! Thankyou to my good friend from Thistlebrook for giving me two suckers from her raspberry.  One died and one looked like it was going the same way, but here it is, alive!

The cherry tomato bush grew from a little seedling into a giant behemoth of a plant. There are hundreds of little green tomatoes on it ...

... and some are getting red! We go outside in the afternoons and eat all we can find!

Snow peas!  They are producing well, but there are never many snow peas on the plants.  This is because we eat whatever we can find.

Sweet corn.  Our last crop was a total failure, and this was planted by semi-accident in a bed I wasn't wanting tied up right now.  Now I feel that I need to offer the corn the dignity to at least try to produce a crop before I fill the bed with a new load of soil and clear out the weeds.  Not in that order.

Same for the beetroot.  Awesome yummy beetroot dip: roast a beetroot or two along with a head of garlic, peel beetroot and squeeze flesh from garlic, process until smooth, add low-fat Greek yoghurt.  I am making myself hungry.

Capsicum.  How do I know when it is ready?  I think it is growing slowly because we've had coolish weather.

Straw bales still going well.  I popped a few sprouting sweet potatoes into it and they are looking very grateful.  Now I despair of ever having the area done with so I can put new soil in.  I keep growing stuff there!

Succession-growing lettuces.  I've put these ones in after the last ones were eaten.  By us.

I am so happy when I am outside putting holes into stuff with my cordless drill.  On the right hand side of this picture you can see the wires I put up on my fence for things to climb on.  Time will tell if it's strong enough.  My entire garden is an experiment, I think it only fitting the structural integrity of the fence and supported vines follows suit.  Lots of green elsewhere in the garden, including the green beans which have kept on producing despite being eaten into oblivion each day by the children.

Weeds, weeds, weeds, weeds.  So many weeds!  And piles of tiles and the shoots from a 'rubbish tree' that a gentleman kindly cut down for me but failed to poison.  Goodo.  I'll deal with the shoots for the next 50 years.  Cool.

But more important than what's in the garden ... WHO'S in the garden!  Does Bullseye count?  I get these alert expressions from her by holding a tennis ball to the side of the camera lens.  I get the underexposure by not taking care with my photography and failing to photoshop the image after the fact.
And here's my favourite bit.  Children.  Children spending time in the sandpit that I made, playing in rainwater collected in the cover that I made.  Okay, it's just a tarp.  But I did attach it to cuphooks I put in the fence using my cordless drill.  The shadecloth was achieved after much drilling and use of my handy-dandy screwdriver set.  And lo, I was greatly pleased.
And that's my garden today.


  1. Excellent work! I must come to lunch in your garden one day.

  2. Well done! As I sit here and look outside my window at the remnants of dead plants and grass and the snow starting to hurtle down and pile up (we're on morning 1 of what is being billed by the weather people as a "3 day storm" oh joy), I am as green as your lovely garden with envy over the green of your lovely garden. :-D Especially the raspberry plant - I miss my berry patch from our old house something fierce!

    Also, how quaint and cool your Aussie words are for some of the veggies. You say "beetroot" where we just say "beet" and especially the "capsicum" for our much more boring "pepper" .... I'd like to say we call corn "maize" or something just so we Yankees could sound cool too, but it isn't true, alas. Well, unless we were being highly pretentious.

    And now I've got to employ my own tools (thinking Hubby's staple gun, most likely) and try to get some outdoor garland with lights put up before the weather gets too much worse and I don't want to be out in it. Brrrr!

  3. You grow SO much in your garden! I too am just a tad jealous of your warm weather now since we are covered in so much snow I have the day off of work.

  4. WOW WOW WOW!!! What a beautiful collection of yummy vegetables in your garden!

    I wish I had the urge to garden! But I seem to have an irrational fear of bugs and snakes. Ok So the snake one probably isn't irrational.

    Well done YOU!

  5. It is weird to think about you being in a growing season when just a few months ago I joyfully ripped out my garden, I was so sick of it. And, now I want another one, as it is freezing here, and the wind is blowing...But what can I expect in Oklahoma in the winter?

  6. What an impressive garden. You have such a green thumb.
    I am determined to try the hay bale plants.
    That beetroot dip does sound good. I would have thought of that. I don't like beets by themselves but I think I would like that dip.
    ♥ Joy

  7. The garden looks great. I am so impressed at your green thumb.

  8. You have a spectacular garden.

    Are you certain your kids haven't been at our place?

    Nevermind, I think it's ants, not children.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!