01 December 2010

Running out of things to whine about

This poor little girl is running out of complaints.  It must be a huge burden.

Today, after complaining about every possible thing under the sun ...
  • I'm tired
  • I don't like this TV show
  • I don't like these shoes
  • I don't want to go to this shop
  • Can I have this Barbie?  Please?
  • Can I have this scooter?  Please?
  • I don't like Doe-feff's crying
  • I'm hungry
  • etc...
... she came up with something new in the car on the way home.  It was whined in exactly the same plaintive, pathetic tone without a hint of humour.

  • I've lost an eye!

I turned round in my seat and I saw this (faithfully re-created for the camera upon our return.)

It was shortly followed up with "I've lost my legs!" while sitting on the couch with her legs folded up tightly underneath her.

Poor little thing.


  1. How can anyone be that gorgeous with her face screwed up that much?

  2. Did you just about die? With laughter of course.

  3. It's getting tough around your place!!!

  4. What a lovely imagination she has, her brain must be constantly on the go.

  5. Cuteness! We've hit the whining stage in our house too, often accompanied by instant tears and howling. Driving me bananas. Wish he'd accompany his whining with something cute...

  6. She is SO ADORABLE!! She will take wonderful care of you in your old age. Even once there is nothing more she can do, she will make you laugh.

  7. A budding actor with great imagination.

  8. That is so adorable - I think I might have to start saying that to people!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!