20 November 2010

Buzz - half as old and terribly cute

Some of you notice that my kids are growing up fast!  I tend not to notice because I see them day after day, and the changes happen without my knowing. But I've been going through my photos and videos to back them up, and I remembered this one video that was taken when Buzz was half his current age of five and a half - he was two years and nearly nine months.  This video took me back to the little baby voice he had, and his capacity for memorising large chunks of text that we'd read to him hundreds of times.

Enjoy this.  For my U.S. friends, when Buzz says, "Whales don't go to slayp (sleep)", that's just a weird vowel he used, it's not some twisted weird Australian accent going on there. And his reading of the final page wasn't entirely accurate, in case you were wondering what manner of weird sect we might belong to.


  1. that was too cute! I have a video of my 10 year old "reading" The Monster at the End of This Book.

    Yep. My kids memorized Sesame Street books. Yours memorized Bible stories...

  2. Aw, I love his sweet voice with the way too cute accent. I know, it's not an accent to you but here it beats adding an r to words that aren't suppose to have it.

  3. Ah, that sweet little preschool voice. Love it! He's so expressive!

  4. I too had forgotten little N's voice! How clever and cute he is!

  5. How clever to read that before the age of 3! What good parents you are to have read it soo many times to help with this feat!!

  6. Loved hearing him read the story. I especially liked the way he said Jerusalem.
    So sweet. I know you are so glad you filmed this.
    ♥ Joy


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!