21 October 2010

What's on my camera card right now

Buzz and Jessie found some streamers and so we had to have a party. No food, no music, no games, and no CAKE! What  a disappointment.  Just a big mess of streamers in the kitchen. Of course.

Woody is into everything. Here he is in my "second drawer" - do you have a "second drawer"? Random weird kitchen things mostly the fault of the Evil Tupperware Empire? Where is your "second drawer" in your kitchen? In your third drawer? That would weird me out. Anyway, Woody is in the second drawer so that ...
... he can suck on sharp things, like this nasty pointy corn cob stabber thing. How glad am I that I spent money getting soft-close drawers in my kitchen reno in the old house, and moved to a new house with easy-to-open drawers? Oooh, so very happy, yes indeedy.

See the red skull and crossbones? That marks the spot where a magpie has built a nest. Everything else in the foreground is MY domain ... my roses, my lawn, my flowers, my shrubs. The magpie doesn't see it this way. You think that perhaps my garden will become very run-down over summer? I put it to you that we may be having a very small-sized roast chicken sometime soon.

On Sunday before we left for church, we put our lovely blue couch right here and we didn't take it back until the end of the day. Guess why.


  1. Because you wanted it to be stolen?

  2. You were having a party on the front lawn and thought you needed more seating?

  3. I'm guessing someone peed, pooped or puked on it and you needed to dry it out in the sun?

  4. Jesse and Buzz made your kitchen so pretty. ;)

  5. Selena beat me to it. Perfect sunny spot!

    Your lawn is beautiful--happy spring! I'm just a TAD jealous.

    Maybe a recipe for cornish game hen would be handy. Good luck with the hunt!

  6. My "junk drawer" is actually the top drawer in the row in the kitchen. Always the top drawer, as long as I've had kitchens of my own.

    My mother does not have a junk drawer in her kitchen. Yes, she is a total weirdo. She is the only person I know who doesn't have a junk drawer/second drawer in her kitchen. Freaky.

    We had those same corn cob holders when I was a kid. Now we have some much more boring ones - they're just handles, solid colors, either red, white, yellow or blue. The big excitement comes when I set out mismatched pairs at the table. Kid and husband hate having mismatched pairs. MWAH HA HA HA HA.

    I'd put up with a magpie if it meant I could be heading into summer and gardening rather than fall (with snow in tonight's forecast) and raking followed by winter and cold and snow. Just sayin'.

    Have you tried setting out shiny things for the magpie to take? They looooove shiny things. Have Buzz and Jessie set out balls of tin foil or coins or other such pretties and then wait and watch to see how long it takes the magpie to come and grab them. Could keep them occupied should you need some time to do something else...........

    Alternatively, I bet that "small roast chicken" would go well with some quinoa or rice.

  7. A pee party on the couch! What fun! Invite me next time; I almost wet the bed the other night, and I'm 33.

  8. I have an "all the other utensils" drawer (which is the second one) and a "junk" drawer, which is and always will be the bottom drawer. That's the one that holds the hammer and tape measure and pliers and packing tape and... junk.

  9. I am reminded of Tripod'd "Second Drawer Down" song.... My second drawer down is no where near as neat as yours. We too invested in soft close drawers. They are awesome!

    I too am guessing that the couch needed airing lol

  10. I'm not sure if Heather's magpies are the same as ours. The only trophies prized by Aussie magpies, as far as I know, are ears and scalp chunks.

    The small roast comment made me laugh - a LOT.

    And bummer about your couch. Yet I think you've been incredibly fortunate to survive without this sort of thing for so many years! May it never happen again.

  11. I can't get over how big he's getting. They love the drawers with all the goodies in them don't they. I remember Leah and Paige would pull out my tupperware out of the bottom cabinet while I cooked. It kept them busy for hours. They could destroy a kitchen in no time.
    ♥ Joy

  12. I have a baby who likes finding forbidden items in my kitchen drawers also. Kitchen drawers are a lot safer where I found him yesterday morning. I heard a suspicious noise in the kitchen, when I walked in I discovered the baby had opened the dishwasher, and was sitting on the open lid with a steak knife in his mouth. EEEEEKKK!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!