11 October 2010


Sometimes, you fill up your clothes airers
 and there is still more laundry to do, so you attempt to dry it on the trampoline
 and then the clouds start looking like this
and that's a mighty amount of laundry to deal with in an emergency.


  1. ?? Don't you own a clothesline??

  2. Meh. Who wants to reach up above their head, tearily squinting into the sun while pegging stuff up in the atmosphere, only to be stuck in a torrential downpour while miserably unpegging stuff a few hours later? (Added complication: low BP after taking my medication makes me a bit woozy after 15 minutes with my hands above my head pegging stuff up there.)

    I never use my line for anything other than sheets and towels: airers all the way. And the occasional trampoline.

    Plus, our clothesline is on the shady side of the house, grr.

  3. And and and ... You can move the airers around to get the best sun in winter, and also when you do a late load at the end of the day.

    And you can race out and grab them, and leave them undercover or inside overnight if things aren't fully dry.

    And and and ...

    I keep thinking of ways that airers are just so cool.

    As are trampolines. Not that you can leave them inside overnight.

  4. All true. My clothesline gets sun most of the day. And my teeny yard is on a slant... plus Melbourne is very windy, so putting an airer out there can be a disaster! :) I use the over-door variety inside, and sometimes I put an airer over the heating vents... but they're a little too tempting for a certain small cat...

  5. If you would just use a dryer then you wouldn't have to worry about the weather. ;)

  6. I'm loving your vocabulary! Here we would called them drying racks, pegging would be hanging. but as Jen said, we would use a good old fashion dryer. AND if that dryer is broken, then you would use all the backs of various chairs found inside your home.

  7. I use a dryer in winter because it rains a lot, but it pretty much doubles my electricity bill so there's no way I'll use it if the sun is available. And I have lots of clothes that can't go in the dryer without shrinking so I still have to put them on a clothes horse inside if it's raining.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Maybe I should use airers too, there seems to be an aweful lot of benefits! lol

    Unfortunately we don't own a trampoline [yet] but nice to know the many uses it holds aswell! hehe

    (I am so sick of the rain, I hope you guys have been getting as much as we have!)

  10. Send us some sprinkles of your rain. I like your airers and your good use of the trampoline. My mom used (drying racks as we call them)them in her laundry room. I should get one. I like the idea of putting it outside and moving it around. We can not put up clothes lines in our neighborhood. ♥ Joy

  11. I have two airers that I use only indoors. Why have I never thought to roam them around outside?!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!