18 September 2010

In my front garden

A magnificent hot pink azalea, sitting amongst the gazanias

The first rose blooms of the season with which something strange is going on. I'm not sure what is causing it yet.

A little outdoorsy boy who likes eating mulch and crawling towards the road.

Daisies in between the roses.

Kalanchoes stretching towards the sun. But only if you lie on your tummy and photograph them that way.

Ubiquitous petunias.  The word ubiquitous reminds me of this post.  Terrible, wasn't it?  It still makes me chuckle.

A beautiful butterfly who brings her own special brand of "help" to my garden.  On any given day, her help could involve watering plants or having a tantrum on the front lawn.

The back garden, now, it is something quite different.  All I have to show you is this collage I made to send our sponsor children.  I notice that it's out of date too, as all of these seedlings are much bigger now.
Maybe later this week I'll show you what the little plants are up to, take a picture of the straw bale garden that we've planted, and perhaps even tell you why Bullseye the dog is now canis non grata at our place.  But I say "maybe" because I know all too well what happens when you're in a blogging slump: you promise blog posts that never eventuate. 

And then you put up a post of pictures of your gardens.  Sigh.

All photos SOOC for reasons of lethargy and apathy.


  1. sometimes i have to go back through my older posts to see what i promised to write about and then didn't.

    sometimes i ave to go back through my pictures to see what i haven't written about.

    or my ever-expanding file of stuff that's interesting.

    i don't have a garden.

    but i like the pictures of yours.

  2. So pretty!!! I need to get control of the yard at the new house....

  3. Funny, you and I have a few identical plants--the petunia and gazanias especially. Keep those pictures coming during our winter, will you? Ours are getting tired out, anticipating a freeze in the next few weeks. I am drinking in the color every day.

    My word verification is "prodisms". I think that would make a fine topic for a post.

  4. Great perspective on the kalanchoe. Love it.

  5. Hi there! Just found your blog via Coconut Belly. I'm an SLP as well :)

  6. Hey I love garden pictures and that is the cutest butterfly ever!

    ♥ Joy


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!