01 August 2010

Portal to the Centre of the Earth

I have found a portal to the centre of the earth.  It is here.  Under my rose garden.

I have always wondered why, after thoroughly watering my roses, the soil is dust the next day.  I have put it down to too-good drainage in the soil, and failed to follow that up with more frequent watering.

Now I know why the drainage is so good.  Under my garden is a portal to the earth's core.

I discovered this by accidentally leaving our tank running slowly onto one of our roses.  After it had been trickling onto the "Old Fragrance" all night, it had drained from completely full to completely empty.  Something like 13,000L went onto that rose.

You'd think the surrounding ground would have been wet, but apart from directly under the end of the hose, it was dry.

13,000L went straight down - to the centre of the earth - without touching the sides.


  1. haha careful you don't dig there and slip down the the core of the Earth!!!! :)

  2. That's so sad. I know you can't tend your plants without tank water.

    I suppose you could think of it as your escape hatch - when the kids get too much, you can think about hopping down your portal to the centre of the earth, the way that I think about flying away on my clothesline.

  3. Oh my goodness! Well I hope the roses drank some of that water!

  4. Your next door neighbours are probably wondering why their laundry has just floated down the street...

  5. Unlike crazy sister has suggested, MY suggestion would be that when the kids get too much, you put THEM into the portal to the centre of the earth!

    I hope you get lots of rain to fill up your tank.

  6. Very strange!

  7. that is cool. Maybe you could charge people to visit it and look inside?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!