07 August 2010


I'm referring to this:
I became very suspicious of Crown Princess Mary of Denmark who, after giving birth to a baby boy just like I did in 2005, gave birth to a baby girl who looked startlingly like then-named Chubbity Bubbity [now "Jessie"] a mere week after Chubbity's birth. She seemed to be stalking me. I formulated a cunning plan to test my stalking theory by scheming to next give birth to a multiple or a monkey. Copy that, Princess!  (From www.killingafly.com - 18 June 2008)
and to this.
Princess Mary pregnant with twins
Denmark's Crown Princess Mary is pregnant with twins, the palace announced on Friday.
One-upmanship is what it is.


  1. Please tell me you're not pregnant with twins...

  2. I am SO not pregnant with twins.

  3. Although if you DID have twins and they were girls you could call one Emily and one Sue. I'm just saying.

  4. The next logical step is for you to have triplets!

    (To be named Buzz, Jessie and Woody, so that you have to find new blog names all over again... no, better: 2 girls and a boy so you can be "The Brady Bunch" on the blog!)

  5. I was GOING to say that you really fooled her because the mere suggestion caused her to have to over perform while you went on and had yourself just one cute little Woody! That was until I read the comments and started laughing all the harder and forgot what I was going to say. ;-)

  6. She needs to get a grip and stop running her life according to your expectations. It's not healthy for her.

  7. Wow...You called that one. If she has twin monkeys then we know who to blame.
    ♥ Joy


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!