15 July 2010

Nothing stirs up excitement like a half-dead mouse in the house

The title said it all, I thought.


  1. With two cats in the house I doubt I'll ever find a HAL-dead mouse...

  2. Err.. or even a HALF-dead mouse...

  3. Emily Sue doesn't realise that the cats BRING IN the half-dead mice and let them go in order to play with them later.

    ...And I just remembered that her cats don't get outside. So she's safe.

  4. And you're right. The title is pretty darn descriptive.

    Poor you.

  5. Once, long ago, I brought home what appeared to be a nice female kitty from the Law office where I worked. She had a bad habit of getting caught on the Senior's Jaguar.

    The 1st Morning after I brought her home my wife stepped out onto the screened in porch to find the severed head of a cardinal bird staring up at her from the welcome mat, tongue lolling. That was only the beginning.

    It turned out I had rescued Satan's kitty. She went to live with Randy the goat on my brother's farm. the end.

  6. One night while I was peacefully slumbering, our sweet little cat Chloe jumped up on our bed. This is fairly normal for her because she likes to sneak in between my husband and I to steal our warmth in the winter. However, something about the way she gave a partially smothered meow bothered me enough that I woke right up. Yes! The little devil had brought a half-dead mouse into our bed!!! Apparently she wanted to show it off, or maybe she thought we wanted a midnight snack!

    You can only imagine the screeching, jumping, and general mayhem that followed! The cat took off. The mouse took off. I made my husband get up and look all over the house for the mouse so it could be disposed of before I would go back to sleep (or allow him to go back to sleep)!

    And even then, I slept all night long with one eye open in case there was a repeat performance.

  7. Um, yeah. I hope to goodness that never happens to me.

  8. I had to clean up a mouse that our cat got recently and it was so gross that I almost vomited on Claire.

  9. Half dead - that's the worst of both worlds.


  10. Is that better or worse than half a dead mouse?

  11. BF #1 once caught a mouse between a placemat and a Tupperware bowl (Crescendo - blue for the T'ware boffins)... I didn't want him to kill it, so he let it go at the bus stop at the bottom of the street....

    Little did we know at the time that this was the 'food scout' and whilst out at the bus stop, he let his posse know about the amazing assortment of snacks in our larders, and the nights that followed saw us catch over 15 mice.... Eeek.....

    There is never only one mouse - half dead or not.... They are not solitary creatures....


    PS - our lovely kitty (may she RIP under the compost bin) used to bring in blue tongue lizards and other native wildlife- not nice to find under your bed.... She also used to attack the cat next door and inserted 'pockets' into its fur..... Cats can be cruel and cool....


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!