04 June 2010

Piano Teachers

Some piano teachers
 Smack the poor dear children's wrists;
Some piano teachers
Make you want to curl your fists.
Some piano teachers
Teacher kids what music's about;
Some piano teachers
Freak their poor lil students out.


  1. Oooh...I think you're going to get in trouble! Can't wait to see what Crazy Sister comes up with in response. Loving this series though :-)

  2. I am SO enjoying your didities about your sister. Though I don't think she will be laughing as much as I am...

  3. more giggles... but of course I wasn't "That" kind of piano teacher when I taught piano...

  4. I too am totally waiting for the revenge posts over on Graze.....


    Loving it! You're quite the poet!

  5. Can't wait for the revenge, either.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!