20 June 2010


Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capate, hamate.

The eight bones of the wrist.

WHY can I remember those from my anatomy lectures 16 years ago, but I can't remember to send Buzz's library book to school with him on Monday mornings?

Sigh.  I guess it's because I don't have tutors to teach me rude mnemonics for remembering library books.

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Those are the versions of the names we learned in our lectures.


  1. I am still baffled you can remember stuff from your lectures 16 years ago!!!!

    I can't remember stuff from college (except the important stuff) OR the library/puzzle bag for Ella's kindy!

    P.S Dan's wants you to post the rude words....

  2. Will this help?

    Monday morning, Monday's dawn
    Scoop the dog poo off the lawn
    Feed the baby, make the bed
    Brush the knots on Jessie's head

    Monday morning, clear and bright
    Wash the dishes from last night
    Make the coffee, strong and sweet
    Put clean socks on Woody's feet

    Monday morning, fresh and new
    Make a list of things to do
    Say good morning, kiss the cook
    Remember Buzz's library book!

  3. What a great poem, Emily Sue! The only line I'd modify would be 'put pink socks on Woody's feet' ;-). Have you seen his rather fetching pair of pink socks?

    Givinya, would you like a text reminder in the morning? I'm quite good at those. I'm just a bit crap at remembering these sorts of things myself and I'm quite sure I remember virtually nothing from my three years at uni!

  4. I didn't see the pink socks - perhaps he asked for them to be hidden before my visit??

  5. Our school has a four day cycle and a five day week, so library is on a different day every week. We have a LOT of overdue books!!

  6. I just want to know the rude mnemonic for the wrist bones......

    My own mind is chock-full of lyrics to songs from the pop charts back in the 80s, as well as the lyrics to every Wiggles song done up through about 2006 (along with corresponding choreography). Sigh.

  7. Love the poem Emily Sue, and must admit to a certain curiosity about the Mnemonic.

  8. It's insane that you had to learn that to study Speech. I remember you used to write all over the coresponding parts of your hand.

    So, those are the versions of the names you learned, not the real names? Cause "trapezium and trapezoid" surely can't be bone names...

  9. Why can I remember that Nero played the fiddle on the side of the road while peeing and watching Rome burn but need a days of the week pill box to take my medications?

    Yeah, small children eat your brain....


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!