31 May 2010

When Box Room turns into Play Room

I consider myself a pretty good tidier.  I have ways and means of making a messy area tidy.  But I knew I'd met my match with our "Box Room".  It is an awesome extra room tacked onto our house that would one day become a fantastic Play Room but after our move remained a dumping ground for boxes of Things We Don't Need and Things That Don't Have A Place.

Now THERE are some boxes deserving of a "Junk" label on each and every one.  That photo was taken late last April when I knew that no tidying would be done in that room until LONG after the baby was born and I was ready to attack the area.

Last November, Mr de Elba and I felt ready to attack the room.  Grandma and Grandpa took our two eldest children for a sleepover and Mr de E and I did a lot of work on the room.  Below is a picture of our garage (filled with Things That Don't Have A Place,) looking through to our would-be playroom containing many boxes of Things We Don't Need and a very awesome husband who has certainly done the lion's share of the clearing-out, without actually being a lion himself.

This same awesome husband has recently finished off the job by creating THIS:

Now the only job is to deal with the Things That Don't Have A Place that are still taking up half the garage.  Still, here is our functional playroom complete with toy-boxes, drums, an old-school X-Box, some beanbags, a few nice rugs on the floor, a bed and a playpen for trapping small children inside.

All ready for a blogging friend to come and stay.  She'd better bring her drumsticks.


  1. How excellent! Looks great! I need to stop typing sentences with exclamation marks!

  2. Well done! We just began clearing out our Box Room (aka the back porch) yesterday. Things Which Have No Place are now neatly stacked on pallets in the basement (which, I'd say, is the perfect sort of spot for such Things) and the only boxes left out there are Ones Which Shall Be Unpacked Shortly now that the dining room has been stripped, painted and furniture moved into place (most of those boxes contain things like wine glasses and serving platters whose home is the dining room hutch).

    Hurrah for husbands who do heavy lifting!! Love the curtains in the playroom especially!

  3. Wow, I am in awe. My box room is going to be needed as an extra nursery in a few short months, but I am yet to get off my steadily growing behind and actually clean it out. I'm hoping nesting kicks in soon...

  4. Fantastic! This is so cool! Also, ahem, I am jealous.

    And check out Jessie being all bossy-pants with that finger pointing! Love. It.

  5. Well done!!! Now please send Mr dE over here to help us with the boxes on our front verandah!

  6. Actually Sassy B, if you can believe this, Mr de Elba found a little kids' ring with fake diamond during his clean out. Jessie is wearing that on her pointer finger, and holding it up for the camera to "see". Which, at that distance, it couldn't.

  7. Wow! Can I come play. That room is awesome. Great job.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!