13 May 2010

A Grim Task

Tomorrow morning, I have a grim task to complete. I hesitate to write 'out loud' on my blog exactly what I plan to do, so I will use Google Image Search to find me a pictorial explanation of my proposed Friday Morning.


  1. You're going to stop and complain to the principal about the bad toilet?
    I'm so confused! lol

  2. Good!! Stoopid crossing lady. A good flushing should sort her right out. Hmmpphhff!

  3. That's it - give her a "Swirly"! And the "kill" gladiator sign.

    Best luck!

  4. If you're going to give her a Swirly will you please wait until I arrive? Because I'd like to take photos for my scrapbook.

  5. Oh I so didn't understand the toliet until the others told me. Please take pictures for us to see!

  6. All the best. Not an easy task, but, knowing you, it is a very necessary one.

  7. Thank goodness a few others comment before I do because I also had no idea what the heck you were getting across until I read those.

    Well, all I can say is, good luck and don't flush her too hard.

  8. May you find an understanding ear on the other side of that door!

  9. I have no idea what you are talking about but good luck.

  10. You're going to Stop giving complaints, go into the principal's office and Kill her/his Toilet!??!

    well....ok. ;-{)>

  11. peew-peew-peew! take that, school crossing lady!

  12. I glared at her this afternoon on the way home... That'll teach her! Hope it all went well... Waiting for the goss.... BB

  13. Hopefully the toilet wasn't for you to puke in.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!