06 April 2010

Taking Jessie to the library

A year ago, my sister blogged about borrowing random non-fiction books from the library and learning really interesting stuff.

Picking random books from the non-fiction shelves has educated her on topics like dogs, conspiracy theories, etiquette, the Hindenburg disaster and syphilis.

I was at the library tonight with little Jessie, and I decided to do a similar thing. I now have "Don't Fence Me In - from curse to cure: leprosy in modern times" which I'm actually excited to get into!

Unfortunately, due most probably to the presence of the small Jessie, I discover now that I'm home that I also have this little volume to mull over during the next month:

"Achilles in the Quantum Universe - The Definitive History of Infinity."


  1. Can we wait with bated breath for future book reviews?

    Now I think more, imagine a book club where you just chose a random book then made everyone read it and discuss... hmmm... could lose members quickly...

    But I will have to try the random thing at the library tomorrow. I often do it with fiction, but haven't tried it with non-fiction.

  2. Your local library is obviously bigger than mine. The first time I entered my local library I looked at the fiction books on the shelf near me and thought, "Right, this is the fiction section". I headed up to the back of the not-very-large Fiction Room to where I thought it opened out into the next room. Er, no. Upon closer inspection, I discovered the "Fiction Room" was in fact the ENTIRE library. Four rows of fiction and about six rows of "everything else".

    On that particular day I borrowed eight books, didn't end up reading more than two, returned them all a week late and haven't dared to show my face there since because the fines are something like $1.25 per book, per day.

  3. Can't wait for the full report! I'm sure there is quite a waiting list for that one. I'm just sitting here looking at it and wondering if my son is ready for it yet. It's right up his alley. (Do you say that in Australia? I think you get what I mean.)

  4. Oh Funny Givinya. That sounds like a real thriller of a book.
    You enjoy it. :0

    ♥ Joy

  5. The history of infinity...sounds rivoting! I think you should read it to Jessie every night. They say that young children are very open to learning! On the other hand, it might help with any sleeping problems!

  6. You mean you were so distracted that you accidentally grabbed that book, or that Jessie snuck it into the pile?

    No insomnia for you this week...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!