23 April 2010

Space to think

Today was my second day back at work. I am working on Friday afternoons while Mr de Elba has a Daddy afternoon at home.  And as with many Mums of small children heading back to work, I am loving it!

Part of it is because I work in a wonderful office with three other great speech pathologists and a receptionist who does so many little things for me (and other people on the front desk who I don't see on my Friday afternoons.)  Part of it is because the offices are so nice, so well outfitted and so professional.  And part of it is because this whole deal is located about 700 metres from my house (0.43 miles) and it's less than a ten-minute walk away.

But I think one of the biggest parts is that I have  s - p - a - c - e  to think.

I have started slowly, with a few clients each day and long gaps between them.  Once I have prepared for all the day's clients and even had a look at next week's, there's not a lot to do.

Except sit.

In my chair.

And ...





Think about ...

... nothing.

Saying ...

... nothing.

Answering nobody's questions.

Watching nobody doing anything and murmuring words of approval.

Not having to raise my voice to be heard over anybody's chattering.

Just ...

saying ...

and doing ...


 Man.  It's good.


  1. I am really happy for you. That is awesome.

  2. Sometimes there is nothing better than sitting and staring into space for a while - especially when it's not something you have the luxury to do at other times. I'm so glad you can enjoy it. :)

  3. congratulations, sounds like a great deal. All out of anything clever to say, but sounds like something you needed.

  4. So glad for you!

    My kids have been in school for several years now, and while I get to do that frequently, I still feel as though I'm in recovery after the intensive (and wonderful) years of little people.

  5. Congrats! I'm right there with you. I started working part-time about a month ago after being a SAHM for ten years and I love it more than I can say. Let's hope we still feel this way in 6 months. Cheers!

  6. WOW that is great! I see 65 SLP kiddos a week, I would love to have time and space between them, let alone plan something that is on company time........
    Needless to say, I.AM. ENVIOUS!

  7. Sounds like bliss! Glad you're enjoying your time back at work.

    You know how you wrote about the prep for playing piano in church for the first time in a long time a while back? That's me, this Sunday. VERY nervous!

  8. Wait a minute, I don't understand, not so fast please!

    You can do WHAT?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!