17 March 2010

Weird things I have seen

Here are some photos I've taken recently.

1.  "This notice is printed on a sheet of A4 paper."  This statement in the middle of a page of information at the checkout of a shop mystified me.  Then I realised it was a policy on checking customers' bags in the store, and the policy specified that bags smaller than A4 size didn't need to be checked.  I suppose in retrospect that it isn't as silly as it appeared at first glance.
2.  "Jane learns about Colds & other Viral Infections."  Understandable reading material at the local immunisation clinic, but not my idea of snuggling up with a good book.

3. If a twin pack of lettuce costs X, then to get the unit price (the price if a single lettuce) you'd ... double it?  I include this because it's errors like these that used to bring me down in complex maths, chemistry and physics problems once I'd done all the hard work correctly.

4.  I know none of the Thai language.  Perhaps if I did, I'd understand this better instead of trying to picture what this variety of coconut in this coconut milk must look like.


  1. The irony of the children's book is that it makes me want to do a culture to find out what kinds of bacteria and viruses are on it after all the little hands touching it. Do viruses even show up on a culture? Does the book deal with the differences between viral and bacterial infections? I barely scraped by with a C in my required biology course. I needed to start reading books like that when I was little.

  2. LOL!

    That last one is killing me.

  3. This is extra funny since I have been gathering 'things I've seen' pictures to put on my blog. I guess maybe I am a bit more inspired to do so soon.

    Tracy, your comment made me laugh. My friend used to work at a school library and she overheard a mom talking to another about how she MICROWAVES all the school library books her child brings home. She microwaves them to kill the millions of germs that reside in the books, due to the grubby hands of the unclean children that attend her child's school. I laughed at that - but honestly, I cringed when my kids touched the books, or the toys, or anything at the doctor's office....

  4. Laughing at the thought of you taking photos all through the supermarket, chuckling to yourself.

  5. My favourite part of the lettuce sign is "We love to save you money".

    I had to read the coconut milk one several times before I saw the joke. You know, the joke that's smack bang in the middle of the picture. That's a little frightening when you consider that I'm occasionally paid to proof read things...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!