09 March 2010

Valsant Matilde

Now here's a little song that takes some thought.  Well, it took me some thought.

Un sa joli soir que main comme par une boule a bonne,
Un deux de chez d'oeuvre cou la bas tres,
Ete sang assez satane ouate t'il y boule a bol de,
Huile comment valsant Matilde oui mis?

Valsant Matilde, valsant Matilde,
Huile comment valsant Matilde oui mis?
Et la gauche Cannes biere d'Asie passe par la boule a bonne,
Huile comment valsant Matilde oui mis?

[L'en Vert (aka Len Green), The Australian]

Mr de Elba didn't learn French, so he tried an Online Translator.

"One its pretty evening that hand as by a ball has good, One two from work neck it low very, Ete blood enough satane wadding you it swell there has bowl of, Oil how valsant Matilde yes put? Valsant Matilde, valsant Matilde, Oil how valsant Matilde yes put? And does the left Cannes beer of Asia pass by the ball has good, Oil how valsant Matilde yes put?"

Hmm.  Not such a great idea.

So what do you think?  Like the song?


  1. Je ne parle pas français, but I'm going to guess that this is Waltzing Matilda, a song that appeared on one of Kiddo's "Children's Songs" CD collections and which was the object of her obsession for about a 5 week period the summer when she was 3....

    (Kiddo's favorite verse:)

    Down came a jumpbuck to drink at that billabong,
    Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee!
    And he sang as he shoved that jumpbuck in his tucker bag,
    You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me!

    Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
    You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me!
    And he sang as he shoved that jumpbuck in his tucker bag,
    You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me!

  2. Oh and by the by, that is as best as I remember it so I may be foggy on the lyrics. Truth be told, I can't for the life of me remember the other verses beyond part of a line that says "ONE, TWO, THREE!" ......

    And yes, I in all likelihood will be digging out that CD when I am next in my car to listen to the song. If I recall, "Alice the Camel" and "A Rigabamboo" were on that same CD.

    A Rigabamboo?
    Now what is that?
    It’s something made
    By the Princess Pat!
    It’s red and gold and purple too (and purple too)
    That’s why it’s called A Rigabamboo!


  3. I'm glad Heather came to the rescue in the above comments.
    I thought It looked like the spam comments I get on my blog sometimes. I had to bring the word verification back.

    ♥ Joy

  4. Ha! I know the trick! It does my head in, knowing enough French to know that translating it doesn't make sense.

    I'm not sure that either Heather or Joy fully appreciate what it is...

  5. Maybe they do :) But I found that if you know French, and if you know Waltzing Matilda, it is quite amazing ... in an "OH! I get it!" kind of way.

    Because up until then you're getting snatches of understanding, but let to think, "Geez my French Grammar has slipped - this isn't making any sense to me!"

  6. Like I said, I don't speak French, so I'm guessing I'm not getting *something* about it.


    Just another dumb Yankee here, I suppose!

  7. I guessed Waltzing Matilda but I don't "get it" either I suppose. I think the translation is hilarious! "Beer of Asia" - hee hee!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!