28 March 2010

Piano Playing and Photography

I enjoyed myself immensely this morning, playing piano in the worship band at church.  It seemed that numbers were down a little which should have been a relief for my first day.  However, nerves do a weird thing to you, and I found sweat coursing down my back while I hit some pretty ghastly wrong notes which hardly anyone noticed and I tried to ignore myself.

And now for something completely different.

My About Me page is now up.  Please visit it to read the story of Lesley and the Fly, and also the details of my first kiss.

And now for something else completely different to that.

Tonight I looked up from my kitchen sink and saw the moon rising from behind some leaves of the trees outside.  It was beautiful.  I decided to take a photo so I headed off to put the following ingredients together: camera, long lens, tripod, and the moon.

I patiently explained to the clamouring children ("Can I have some milk please?"  "Can you stick this onto this bit of paper please?") that I was just going to take a photo, and I took my tripod and camera outside.  While I was fiddling with the settings and wondering how to take this photo on full manual mode, the clouds completely obscured the moon.  I went back inside.  I could have left the camera on the kitchen bench and tried again when the clouds cleared, but I didn't because of the old adage "Expensive Photographic Equipment and Butter Don't Mix."

My photographic career is not an auspicious one.


  1. "Expensive Photographic Equipment and Butter Don't Mix."

    I'm sure Ansel Adams often said the same thing...

  2. The moon will be back. The camera wouldn't.

    Love your About Me page! My favorite would have to be the animal collage. You had some seriously patient cats. ;-)

  3. Loved Your About me page. I have a copy of the aforementioned photograph, and lets just say you're not getting near it!!!

  4. I will keep up the search. I wasn't going to bother but somehow your comment above was enticing.

  5. Last time I looked, there were some photos of yours in your old desk drawers at Mum's house. I think they were mostly from High School, but that photo is worth searching for...

    Love your About Me page! It's very funny. And I think you have a little bit of Bindi Irwin in you...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!