23 March 2010


Over the last 6 months ...

"Look Mum, I'm cleaning up! Our house is so clean! Cleaner than A Old Lady's CAR!"

Buzz's Wallace & Grommit game was put on hold while Grandma visited briefly. She said she needed to go a few times, but stayed a little longer to see photos of Buzz on Mt Tabletop. Buzz asked a number of times to get back to his game, but to no avail. Finally he said, "Grandma, remember you were going to go?!"

Late September, on a secondary school camp, Buzz and Mr de Elba came upon a pair of highschoolers who had coupled up and were getting physically amorous. Reminding them of the camp rules, Mr de Elba said, "You know you probably should cool it guys," and Buzz added, "You shouldn't do that til you're married."

Playing a game on the iPhone: "Ooh, sorry to kill you. You could have come to tea if you weren't killed."

Buzz has been learning about the emergency services at kindy. One day he said, "If you shout at me, I will call the Police." I asked if he knew how to do that and he said, "I do. You get the phone and do zero-zero-zero and they will say 'Police, Fire or Ambly-ance'."

A few months later, I wanted to have a short rest so I asked the children if they could watch their movie quietly while I went for a 20-minute rest.  I said that they didn't need to bother me.  Then I said that if there were blood or flames, I did want them to come and wake me because I'd need to deal with that.  Buzz replied, "Okay, I'll wake you.  But not for flames.  I can deal with that myself."  "Er, can you?" I asked.  "Yes," he said.  "I just call zero-zero-zero and tell them, 'Police, Fire or Ambly-ance.'"  It made me so nervous I didn't get to sleep.

Buzz asked for a drink one day and I asked if he wanted milk or water. He thought for a very long time and settled on milk. While he was drinking it, he said, "Know why I chose milk?" "No," I said. "I didn't want to waste the dams," he said.

Buzz and Mr de Elba had been talking about the events Buzz could enter in the Olympics, being such a good jumper. They discussed High Jump, Long Jump and Triple Jump. Buzz came out into the kitchen and announced "I can go in The Long Event! And The 5-Jump!"

"My favourite colour is RED! Well it's EVERY colour. Except pink."


  1. This is so much like Hayden. I just love it.

  2. I was part way through this before I realised who Buzz is. Duh. I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, sometimes.

    Happy Birthday, Buzz. To Infinity and Beyond!

  3. There used to be t.v. show here in the states, called KIDS SAY THE DARNEDEST THINGS. It starred a kindly and old fella named Art Linkletter(sp?) It was quite humorous, as you might expect. Bill Cosby tried to bring it back in the eighties I think, but it just wasn't as good. Buzz reminds me of that.

    Our own Aaron, 6, also says the darnedest things sometimes, but of course I can never remember them when I want to. Instead, I remember things like when he looked at me the other day, and with no malice whatever proclaimed "I can do whatever I want".

    As you can probably imagine, I explained to him that no, he could do what I wanted, as I could do what Mom wanted. I still don't think he really gets the hierarchal family dynamic.

    Love the new look of your site.

  4. Cute post! Love your new blog look!

  5. So glad you are writing those down! Very happy birthday to Buzz!!

  6. What cute things he says! Happy birthday to your boy!

  7. So funny. Sad about the not wasting the dams thing, though.

    Hey, what happened to The Speech Files on the new layout?

    I think they're definitely worth a spot on the nav bar.

  8. Well, I was thinking about that, but they have their own little link along with all my other labels in the top spot in the right sidebar. You think it's good enough? I think it's getting boring. Might have to spice it up a little with some new stories.

  9. I love the "I didn't want to waste the dams" - it made me laugh out loud. How very thoughtful of him!

  10. Happy birthday, Buzz!
    Must catch up again soon...

  11. I too love his advice for the high schoolers. Cracked me up!

    Sorry I missed his birthday! Happy birthday Buzz!!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!