03 February 2010

I'm not sure if I should be concerned

Believe this if you can.

Anna-Lucia has been "cooking" her baby dolls in her toy oven.

One day, Mr de Elba walked past Anna-Lucia playing in her kitchen, and said, "What's cooking in the oven, Anna?" to which Anna replied, "Maisie!"

And just today, my attention was grabbed when Anna-Lucia shut her oven door and said with satisfaction, "There.  She's woasting!"

I didn't say "who", I said "What's roasting, sweetheart?"  And she replied, "Caroline!"
No Lie.

Either something has derailed in the Culinary Cortex in her brain, or we're raising the Wicked Witch of the West.


  1. Woasting! Oh, that is hilarious! It's nice and warm in there--I wish I could fit in my own oven right about now. She is FINE.

  2. And I wish my kitchen were that tidy. May I borrow her?

  3. LOL! Let's hope its just a phase. :)

  4. I am choosing to believe it is all innocent!

    Last night Aphid #1 had a toy saw thingy. You know, the ones that cut down trees? Only he was sawing his leg. I chose not to ask...

    It is a very nice kitchen!

  5. What a sweet litle kitchen!

    As for cooking her dolls, maybe you should give her that rubber chicken you have floating around somewhere? LOL

  6. Better than woasting baby brothers... dolls obviously fit better too. Very cute kitchen by the way:-)

  7. Reminds me of the song "Sweet Caroline". Carolines must be among the more edible types of people.


  8. I must try that.


  9. That's very, very funny!


  10. Oh you lovely Crazy Family, posting enough comments so I hit my magic number of *10* and feel cheered enough to post again!

  11. Have you been reading her Hansel and Gretel lately?

    Perhaps you should offer her a roasting pan so the Caroline-juices don't burn to the bottom of the oven... I mean, how is she expected to make the gravy?

  12. Oh no!! Hilarious though. Poor Caroline. Does she come with a side dish?

  13. That is so cute! Who thought such violence is taking place in such an INCREDIBLY CUTE kitchen!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!