11 February 2010

Guard Croc

This Guard Croc was carefully placed at the doorway of Anna-Lucia's bedroom and because we thought it was cute, we left it there for days.


  1. Does it keep away bad dreams and boogey monsters? If so, I could use one too. Although we seem to have enough crocs round here in the wet season without adding a plastic one to the mix!

  2. I wish I had a guard croc. Maybe it would keep the husband away. LOL

  3. Great post as for me. It would be great to read a bit more about that topic. Thnx for posting this information.

  4. Love that! Only thing better is a croc AND a daddy. Awesome croc portrait!

  5. Love it! Who couldn't use a guard croc!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!