28 February 2010


I have the sweetest little niece.  Her blog name is Peanut and you can see her stories here.

She was at my house recently when she came in from outside and showed me a dandelion she'd picked.

"Oh sweetheart, that's lovely," I gushed.  "Mummy will be so happy you've picked a flower for her.  She's in the loungeroom."

"I picked it for you, Aunty Kate," she said.  And I may or may not have got a little teary.  Did I mention she's such a little sweetheart?

But here's the thing.  Peanut is a funny little thing, beautiful, wonderful, sweet, fun and creative ... and also a little bit quirky.

So I thought it quite fitting she'd picked me a mutant, double-headed dandelion.


  1. She usually follows that up with the comment, "Now you can get married!"

    She gives me permission to marry my husband every week.

  2. That's good.

    My boy and my girl desperately want to marry each other. I used to tell them they couldn't because "we don't usually do much marrying of brothers and sisters ..." etc etc.

    They didn't get that.

    Now I just say, "you can't get married because you fight too much." They understand that.

  3. Mine also harbour that wish! I should try that line, it's good.

  4. That is marvellous. I love your line *we don't usually do much marrying of brothers and sisters*

    I need to insert that quote into my everyday vocab.

  5. Thats very sweet...

    As for marrying each other, you reminded me of a chitter chatter post I must do....

  6. Well, you know they say two heads are better than one...

  7. Hehehe, love teh double-headed dandelion. Well... just think, if it's the kind that makes the seeds that you makes wishes on, it gives you double the wishes!!!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!