03 January 2010

My New Christmas Jumpsuit

Hi. I'm Joseph.
I had a lovely time on my first Christmas.
People gave me some lovely toys and clothes.
Grandma gave me this cute little jumpsuit. I really like the patterns.
I'm just not sure about the positioning of this mushroom, that's all.


  1. BAHAHAHAHAHA!! Way to give a boy a complex!

  2. Seldom have I seen a more poorly placed mushroom.

    At least he's a ..... FUN GUY!

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha

  3. Hee hee hee! Grandma presents are great! How do they do that?

  4. Hysterical! And perfect for the little man!

    Nana Tantrum

  5. LOL!! That is priceless! Now seriously, who would have placed the darned mushroom just so?

    That was great. I needed a little laugh before heading off to bed here!

    BTW, that little Joseph looks soooo much like you! Wow!

  6. Oh my that is simply the funniest thing I have seen all day today... I have even admired that exact suit in the shops and almost purchased it for my 6 month old... classic !!
    seriously giggling right now !

  7. You know how people are writing lol? How many times do you think they really do laugh out loud? That's why I don't use lol, unless I really do lol.

    I'm a very honest person.

    When I saw that mushroom - LOL LOL LOL ! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!