14 January 2010

Hoping and praying

Every time a country goes through a natural disaster, my heart is heavy for the people.  I don't know them, I haven't had them on my mind until the news of the disaster, but my heart is heavy anyway because they are all precious people - special to somebody, if not to me personally.  So very special to God, too.

But this time, following the earthquake in Haiti, it's different.

Joseph's little sponsor child, 4½ year old Smith lives in Haiti.  He lives near Port de Paix (not near Port au Prince, as I first thought) so he's further from the epicentre, but we have no way of knowing if Smith and his family are okay.  I have felt alternately hopeful and sick with worry for him.

I suspect it will be weeks if not months before we find out.  God knows, but we don't.  And that's hard.  In his recent letter to us he said it was "a gift from above to have you as friend."  It nearly makes me cry.

We are praying for him and his family - that they are safe and well, and that his country people have access to food, clean water, blankets and hygiene.  Please join with me.


  1. definitely praying.! hope and pray you find out soon that he and his family are ok.

  2. Will be praying. Debbie D's sponsor child is in Haiti too :(

  3. We are praying here, and will add Smith's name to our prayers. Thanks for letting us know.

  4. I will pray as well. Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I missed that post!

  5. My heart is so heavy as I watch what is happening there. I feel completely helpless. I will pray for Smith too.
    God bless you for sponsoring him.
    ♥ Joy

  6. This is such a tragedy! And I do hope and pray that your boy Smith is ok. Hubby came home tonight and he was explaining to me that the very poor people in Haiti actually survived the earth quake very well, because they lived in shanties and tents. It was the middle class that got hit the hardest, that own/lived in houses. So many people!!! I don't know but for some reason, I want to jump on the next plane and go help. AND I do not do the fly thing!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!