18 January 2010

Get your screen resolution right

Last Sunday, Mr de Elba gave the message at a church in the Lockyer Valley.  His slideshow was preceded by a professional-looking title page bearing the title of his topic: "Blessed are the Poor in Spirit."

Unfortunately, the tech people had the screen resolution wrong and the right-hand side and the bottom of the slide were chopped off.

As his title displayed on the screen, it read, "Blessed are the Poo."

Which just goes to show, you must always pay attention to your screen resolution.


  1. I find poo to be a great blessing. It's one of my favorite pastimes (pooing). It's right after peeing. Maybe it wasn't a mistake at all.

  2. One way to get some attention to your message!

  3. That would have to be about the funniest sermon ever!

  4. I'm with Bethany. You shouldn't take poo for granted, it can be very blessed.

  5. Bwahaha! We had a slide one time that said "a great week" but the church PC didn't recognise the Mac font used so it changed it to something bigger, causing the text to automatically wrap, so it said:

    "A great wee

    And I had to explain it to my NESB friend sitting beside me, who, once she understood the joke, went off into a massive fit of giggles for the next 15 minutes.

  6. Ha ha ha! That's a good way to at least generate a happy vibe in the church.

  7. Thanks for the big smile.
    I need someone to tell me why my screensaver is no longer working on my computer. It use to slideshow thru all my pictures now nothing but black screen. All the settings seem to be in place.

    Bless Mr. de Elba's heart how did he recover from that one. :)
    ♥ Joy

  8. BAHAHAHAHAHA that's fabulous. Poor Mr de E! Excellent icebreaker I guess. =)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!