30 January 2010

Australia Day Food

Really, the company was better than the food.  However I won't post photos of the company, not to protect their identities but because I didn't take any.  Having your photo pop up on someone else's blog might make you feel a little bit unsafe anyway, and I didn't clear it with them first.  Needless to say, lunch with David and Victoria was delightful, and Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz were perfectly behaved.

We ate:
Roast lamb

with potatoes, pumpkin and sweet potatoes

and garlic bread and steamed veggies, some of which were green and gold,

green and gold drinks,

and green and gold jelly with ice-cream.

David and Victoria brought green and gold lollies
and then there was lots of this (below), even after the company left:

Our vocalist lost us lots of points.

And that was Australia Day 2010.

Here's the 2010 Lamb on Australia Day ad by Sam Kekovich.

I collected previous years' here.


  1. I think that guy should win the Nobel Peace Prize! He is great.
    Your meal looks so good. That roasted potato/pumkin/sweet potote...mmmmmm just what I like!
    Nat is so cute really putting his whole self into the guitar. Love their costumes.
    Australia Day looked like a lot of fun.
    ♥ Joy

  2. what a fun celebration! I'm hungry . . . :)

  3. He's hilarious. Unfortunately, I only like lamb that, well, doesn't taste like lamb. I could believe I would like it grilled, though.

    Joseph was rocking out to Guitar Hero--just look at him! :-) They need to put some Wiggles songs on there for poor A-L.

  4. Awesome snaps... your roast lamb looks delish!!

    I didn't think Sam K was as funny this year as he was in previous years....

  5. Love the entertainment. Your meal makes me sooo want to eat a roast for dinner. Hmmm....better start cooking.
    lanteca (I have decided to include my word verification at the end of my comments just for something different to do)

  6. Hehe...David and Victoria...hehe. Well, I can testify that the roast was indeed delicious, the company was superb and the children were all very well behaved. Great day!!!

  7. ...and now I'm off to order a new Hermes bag online ;-)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!