18 December 2009

Vicar? Cauliflower?

No rhyme.  No reason.  Just a wacky suggestion.  Please direct all queries relating to why she took my advice back to HER.


  1. If you don't get it, you'll have to follow the link. Here it is AGAIN:

  2. It is a privilege to see your mind at work.

  3. Oh, I didn't mean that it's rare to see you using your mind. Is that how it sounded? That's not what I meant.

  4. Roll up, come one, come all, Givinya de Elba's mind is WORKING. This is truly a once-in-five-years event! Could the people in front duck down so the people in the back can all see? Tell your children! Tell your grandchildren! And remember flash photography is permitted.

  5. See, now I want to comment not because I have something to say, but because I want to hang out with you guys. You crack me up.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!