02 December 2009

A Terrifying Thought

This idea of the Wonder Week?

I realise that it's actually been a Wonder Fortnight, so far.

Then I remembered that there used to be a show on TV called ...

Oh Lord, please save me.


  1. Oh, Joe, Joe, what are you doing to your Mum?

    Enough Wonderment, already!

  2. Haha!

    Unfortunately, I think it is how it will end up.

    I just went to Koorong and stocked up on:
    5 Love Languages for Kidlets
    Boundaries with Kidlets

    and the secret weapon...

    Have a new kid by Friday. I'm planning on starting that one on Thursday night...

    Yeh - that was pretty lame. But my fingers are crossed for a change to take place!

  3. Oh you make me laugh! I just hope a wonder kid doesn't automatically come with one of those wonder haircuts...

  4. I've been calling the years I'm in the wonder years--the ones where they sleep all night, put on their own shoes and jackets (and actually zip them), help me with the household chores, and go on scary amusement park rides with me. Fear not! Life with sleep is SO MUCH better!

    Although some days I do wonder whether they will beat each other to a pulp. But that's in between fits of giggles.

    Joseph, be nice to your mom today, OK?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!