16 December 2009

Oh yes, it rained!

Well, only for about 20 minutes, but it rained! A small person in purple needed no encouragement.
A slightly less-small person in red and blue needed a little more encouragement, but not much.
A tiny person got raindrops - REAL raindrops, as in water from the sky - on his sweet little head.
The not-so-small person in red and blue got a little cold, and sat in the shelter for a while.
While this tiny person just sat and enjoyed it all.


  1. gosh you guys made some beautiful looking kids! they are so cute.

  2. Love those pictures! Especially the last one - utter adorableness!!

  3. they are all just so beautiful.

  4. That last photo is so cheeky! Look at that glint in his eyes...

    and I'd say that extended pinky has his mumma and dadda wrapped all around it ;)

  5. Your pics are so beautiful. Again I am amazed at how Mr and Mrs Hazel-Eyed-De Elba managed to have blue eyed boys!

  6. I love these photos!!! Joseph looks like he's just heard the best joke in the world!

    Nana Tantrum

  7. Looking at these adorable pics, I can understand how as much as they sometimes make you want to poke your eyes out, you really do NEED them!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!