29 November 2009

Briefly ...

Mr de Elba is home! All is great. Except for the mess and the laundry!

Joseph not is sleeping well. I'm thinking he has been spoiled (yeah, I once heard someone say that a baby can't be spoiled. Well they can pop over to my house every night and cuddle the baby to sleep all jolly night, just the way he likes it.)

Although he has been a great little sleeper, he sometimes falls asleep in people's arms and now he's having great difficulties sleeping by himself in cot. Especially after 2am feed. Which sometimes happens at 1am.

Therefore I now no longer have time to myself at night to blog beccause I am trying to squeeze in as many hours of uninterrupted sleep in (4 is good) before I hear Joseph cry and shout out "ging, ging" which is what he says when he's upset.

So please tell me, dear gentle reader, is this just a phase? Will I ever get six blessed hours of sleep in one night again? Will Joseph learn to sleep again by himself in his cot?

Or should I leave home right now and run into the woods and live on nuts and berries?


  1. Come to think of it, living in the forest eating nuts and berries might help me lose this baby weight. It's sounding appealing.

  2. I've never heard of nuts growing wild. Are there bears in these woods?

    Of course it's a phase. Who knows when, but one morning, you'll wake up with a huge fright because there was no "ging-ging" in the night, and for a few seconds you'll be convinced that he's died. And he'll be happily asleep in his cot, and you'll just stand over him, swaying a little, looking demented, and wondering what to do...

  3. Yes. With huge wet patches on my shirt. I remember that milestone with Nat and Anna. Huge fright. Then a few months of wishing they'd repeat it. And then all of a sudden, remembering that they've done it every night for a week. And then ... the relief.

  4. Well there. All you needed was your sister. They are great memory triggers. For better or worse.

  5. Is he having a wonder week?
    Apparently these developmental weeks, when the kids go nuts and regress badly, are explained by health nurses to mums in almost every other state except Queensland. I reckon you should google it. It doesn't make him sleep better, but at least you know that it is a phase, and when to expect them!

  6. We too are in the midst of a sleep problem. When I say *in the midst* I mean that it started when she was born and continues to this day. She is good at putting herself down for a nap, but wakes several times a night for Emergency Boobie. (Oh, and Aphid #1 used to say "Eiw eiw!" when he was upset!)

    I am trying to ignore her. At 7 months it can't last too much longer? Can it? Really? Puh-leeeeeeze!?

  7. When you're sleep-deprived, it's hard to remember that someday you will sleep again. Hang in there.

  8. Don't worry, you will get more sleep, someday. At least I think so, I may or may not be still waiting.

  9. I'm sorry I missed this post (been offline for a few days) I hope Joseph starts sleeping better.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!