31 October 2009

This is a great country

This is a great country.

If something makes you mad, you blog it.

Then you tell the paper.


  1. That's awesome! Good for you! I hope someone gets to the bottom of the ducky dilemma soon. :)

  2. Well done! They wrote a good piece, too. You even got a photo!

    I do love this country =)

  3. Can I get you to blog about a few issues over here in America so we can get them straightened out.


  4. Now you're all famous like!

    I hope it receives the attention it deserves.

  5. I love that they call you an operative... like ASIO has suddenly taken an interest in duck welfare. :D

  6. I KNOW! I've been chuckling to my family here thaat nobody else has ever called me an operative! I love it! Makes it sound like I'm undercover, looking out for breaches of Duck Welfare and swooping in with a SWAT team in the dead of night ....

    In reality, I had a house full of kids (playdate!) and I was pathetically unable to shoo ducks in via a gate.

    "Operative" sounds better.

  7. That's cool! Well done... did you catch the Hungry Beast sketch on the circle of rage? It should be on their website at the ABC or even still up on iView... it was hillarious - but also sobering <><

  8. Very excellent. Quacktastic, in fact.

  9. I'm so jealous. I want to be an operative.

  10. I too have my hat off to you, Madam Operative.

    Well done.

    (Sorry if this comment's a bit muffled; I've surrounded my end of the internet in a biohazard bubble so as not to expose my dear bloggy friends to the H1N1 that is presently raging through my home.)

  11. Yes, yes, I'm eight posts behind. But I still HAVE to say, along with Femina, that what really gets me is that you're an OPERATIVE! How cool is THAT?!?!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!