20 October 2009

There are few worse ways to wake up ...

... than being vomited on by your child.

Poor little Anna-Lucia woke up at 11pm just as I was turning my light off, slipping down into bed and saying "Asaaahhh!!" after a VERY long hard day.

"I gaired!" she moaned. "I gaired of-a gark!" She's never been scared of the dark before, it just seems to be a recent fad. "I need a cuddle." Okay.

I brought her into my bed, which was a bad idea given that it is the only bed without a waterproof mattress protector and that she was going to wake me up with a warm stinky vomit just an hour later.

Midnight showering, midnight load of washing, midnight fight trying to get paracetamol into her and midnight cup of tea with lethargic girl on shoulder. Poor little cherub.

After getting to bed at 2:00, I was woken at 3:00 as my milk was Required, then twice after that to re-insert the dummy, once after that with random "I gaired" moaning, and again at 5:30 for a too-early milk donation.

Today I can hardly string a sentence together in my mother tongue. And yet she still burns up. Do I take her to a strange doctor this afternoon ("Give her small sips of water frequently, try to keep her temperature down with paracetamol, brufen and cool baths. You're very welcome, you can pay the bill on your way out thanks,") or wait to see my regular doctor tomorrow morning?

One thing I am sure of. There will be no fun dinner with my new little blogging buddy and his parents tonight.


  1. As soon as I saw the post title in my reader, I thought "than being barfed upon by a kid" and how very sad I was to click the title, get to your blog and discover I was right.

    Ugh ugh ugh.

    I really hope AL is better and sleeping without being scared in her own room, even as I type this (since it's now after 9pm today on your end of things).

    As far as the fear of the dark goes, the way we conquered that with Kiddo (or at least, kept her from joining us in our room during that phase) was to give her a flashlight to keep with her in bed. Many a night we'd go in to check on her before turning in ourselves to find her asleep and clutching a lit flashlight, but it quelled her fears and she didn't seem to be kept awake by the light at all. Oh - a tip to go with this strategy should you choose to use it: get some rechargeable batteries. Those large, honking batteries that flashlights require run out of juice fast!

    Wishing you a long, calm, mostly uninterrupted (except, of course, for Milk Requirements) night's sleep!

  2. Ohhh there is nothing worse than trying to muddle about in the middle of the night cleaning up after and taking care of sick kids. I hope she gets feeling better soon.

  3. Not good. Hope it passes soon and no one else gets it.

  4. "Poor little cherub." Poor mommy. Those nights are the absolute worst.

  5. So sorry. I hope she gets better very soon.

  6. I don't know why adding the adjective 'warm' to vomit should make it so much worse to read, but it does. Blerk. I do hope everyone is feeling better now and you've managed to sneak in a nanna nap.

  7. Poor you. Forget the doctor, you know the drill!

    And God bless Nat for sleeping with no issues.

  8. Well, we're very glad that she did get better the next day. And your new little blogging buddy and his parents had a wonderful time at dinner :-)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!