07 October 2009

How To Eat Tomato Sandwiches...

...if you really like tomatoes but are not too keen on bread.
Thanks for your help in the previous post - still not sure what to do, but Hip-Jen reminded me of the frangipani clock which was quite nice after all. The fruit plate then becomes my third best work, and therefore, less needy of salvation.


  1. Aw...So cute! DK would consider the tomato to be hopelessly contaminated with breadiness, so I guess the bright side is at least he's eating half of it!

  2. Aphid #2 isn't fond of bread either! But generally he just opens them and gets stuck in to the nutella. HEHEHE We call him chocy-cheeks!

  3. I see your problem - Worthless White Bread.

    He's hanging out for multigrain.

  4. I wish my kids would eat tomatoes.
    BLT's are my all time favorite sandwich on white bread.
    Throw some bacon on there. ;)

    Love his look.



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!